ECS Computers

ECS Explains: Wi-Fi

You use it every day, but do you know how it works and that there were different variants of Wi-Fi? In today’s blog we’re going to look at how Wi-Fi works, and some of our top troubleshooting tips. What is Wi-Fi? Wi-Fi is a wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide connectivity (internet) […]

Spoof Emails: How To Spot A Spoof

An email inbox

What is a spoof email? A spoof email is when a person sends an email pretending to be someone else, in order to trick the recipient into handing over sensitive information or money. Sensitive information could be your bank card numbers, address, postcode, phone numbers, answers to security questions or even login information for online […]

Our 6 Top Malware Prevention Tips: Viruses and Malware

If you’ve read our series on viruses and malware, you may be wondering what steps you can take to protect yourself, your family, and your business. Well, you’re in luck! Here are our six top tips: If the email looks suspicious, don’t open attachments or click links! If you get an email that seems suspect, […]

Keyloggers: Viruses and Malware

A lit computer keyboard

In our last blog, we looked at spyware and how it could sneakily record everything you did on your computer. Today’s we’re looking at keyloggers, a variation of spyware with a very specific way of tracking. What’s a keylogger? Like spyware, a keylogger is designed to work covertly with malicious intent, but instead of potentially […]

Spyware: Viruses and Malware

We have seen a lot of cases of spyware-infected machines in our workshop, but what is so secretive about spyware? What is Spyware and what can it do? Spyware is programmed to be covert, gathering information and sending it off to its developer without you even knowing it’s there. Like a secret service spy hiding […]

Adware: Viruses and Malware

Adware is a common type of malware that can be particularly annoying. Simply put, adware is unwanted software that displays advertisements on your screen. These ads can occur as pop-ups, on your internet browsers, as toolbars, or in any way that ads can be displayed. Though don’t confuse this with genuine adverts that run on […]

Worms: Viruses and Malware

It’s time for another blog in our Viruses and Malware series – and today, we’re looking at worms – and not that sort of worm! What are worms? Worms are one of the earliest forms of computer malware (and if you want to read more about the earliest form, you can read our introduction here […]

Trojans and Ransomware: Viruses and Malware

Welcome to the second blog in our Viruses and Malware series – today, we’re looking at Trojans and Ransomware. What are Trojans? Named after the Trojan Horse from the Greek myths, this type of malware works in a very similar way. Here’s an example:  You receive an email containing a PDF document about horses and […]

Bluescreens: What are they and what causes them?

If you have ever spent any time using a computer, you may be familiar with the term ‘Blue Screen of Death’ (BSOD) and you might have even seen a few of them. ‘Blue Screen of Death’ is a light-hearted term for a ‘stop code’, which gives information detailing why a computer crashed. The Blue Screen […]

Firewalls at Home: What and Why?

You may have heard about firewalls at some point but, unlike anti-virus, it’s not immediately obvious what it does. But did you know that firewalls are a really important element of your home and business IT security? Today we’re going to look at what firewalls are, how they work and why they are such an […]